This site aims to provide skiers, families, and fans with helpful information about the Armstrong Nordic Ski Team. Keep in touch by joining our email list and GroupMe, and by following Facebook and Instagram.
News / Updates
Record finish times for Armstrong Nordic racers. Super easy and fun to do!!! You just write down the time on the big race clock when our racers cross the line. All skiers have bibs with numbers, so you just note the time next to the bib number. There are usually 2 timers at each meet so you won't be alone.
Please consider signing up to host a carbo load. Hosts are expected to provide plates and utensils plus one pasta dish to start the evening off. Dates are subject to change based on event date changes (i.e. if a meet is canceled/rescheduled due to weather).
*For real-time updates, subscribe to our GroupMe messages
*Calendar Subscribtion URL (Copy/paste this URL into your calendar software - see the Schedule tab for detailed steps)